Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Mon, 30 Jan 2017 20:11:00 +0000 How to use slice capacity and length in go #tutorials This blog post discusses a common bug stemming from developers not understanding append and make, and then goes into the difference between slices and arrays so that it is easier to understand what capacity and length are and how they are used when making slices. 12 points posted by jon https://www.calhoun.io/how-to-use-slice-capacity-and-length-in-go 1620 Wed, 25 Jan 2017 23:56:00 +0000 Creating My First Web Application with Go #tutorials I started learning Go in March 2016. I felt like I had reached a point with software testing where I would not be able to improve unless I started really putting more effort into my coding skills. I had previously written a bit of test automation in Python but I was seeing and reading lots of cool things about Go. You can try out the finished app <a href="https://go-violin.herokuapp.com/">here</a>.&nbsp; 9 points posted by drogo http://rosalita.github.io/building-a-web-app-with-go 1831 Tue, 28 Feb 2017 13:13:00 +0000 Gophercises - coding exercises for budding gophers #tutorials <p><strong style="box-sizing: border-box;">We've all been there before...</strong></p> <p>You are just starting to pick up a new programming language (like Go!) and things are going great. The tutorials are clicking and you are making great progress... and then you run out of tutorials.</p><div><br></div> 8 points posted by tomf https://gophercises.com 2887 Fri, 03 Nov 2017 20:12:00 +0000 go-echo-vue - a todo list using the Echo framework, BBolt and Vue #tutorials Simple and fast example of todo list with Go, Echo, CoreOS BBolt and Vue.js <br> 8 points posted by covrom https://github.com/covrom/go-echo-vue 2878 Wed, 01 Nov 2017 07:53:00 +0000 Video: Go Bootcamp #tutorials In this 1-hour video renowned Go expert, Cory LaNou, takes you on a fast pace tour of this exciting language developed by Google. Cory covers Go basics, CLI, and web development, amongst other topics. For more information, go to https://www.gopherguides.com. 8 points posted by lolly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afeaKe52ce8 2872 Mon, 30 Oct 2017 20:18:00 +0000 Error Handling in Go #tutorials #errors 8 points posted by geekme https://golangbot.com/error-handling 2850 Thu, 26 Oct 2017 18:36:00 +0000 Sending HTML email using Go #tutorials A tutorial how to send HTML email by&nbsp; using the standard Go<strong> </strong>library by @mlabourdy <br> 7 points posted by norbertfuhs http://www.blog.labouardy.com/sending-html-email-using-go 2547 Sat, 19 Aug 2017 14:32:00 +0000 Video: Flappy Gopher III - Collision detection #graphics #tutorials The final episode of the Flappy Gopher trilogy! We'll cover how to detect collision between the bird and the pipes. Get ready from some mutual exclusion action! 7 points posted by tollela https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy9XKfYjtwE 1946 Thu, 16 Mar 2017 15:10:00 +0000 Video: packagemain - programming in Go #tutorials Hi, my name is Alex Pliutau,<div><br></div><div>I write mostly Go these days. And I’d love to share what I’m doing.If you have something to ask, do not hesitate to send me a message.</div><div><br></div><div>Currently I am working as tech lead at Wizeline Vietnam based in Ho Chi Minh City.</div><div>Topics I share:</div><div>- Programming in Go</div><div>- Go code review</div><div>- Solving Algorithms with Go</div> 6 points posted by plutov https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI39wKG8GQnuzFPN5SM55qw 3046 Mon, 25 Dec 2017 15:34:00 +0000 The Zoo of Go Functions #tutorials #learngoprogramming <div class="section-inner sectionLayout--insetColumn"> <p>An overview of anonymous, higher-order, closures, concurrent, deferred, and other kinds of Golang&nbsp;functions.</p> <h2>What is&nbsp;inside?</h2> <ul> <li>Named and variadic funcs</li> <li>Methods</li> <li>Interface methods</li> <li>First-class funcs</li> <li>Anonymous funcs</li> <li>Higher-Order funcs</li> <li>Deferred funcs</li> <li>Concurrent funcs</li> <li>Others: Recursive, Black-Hole, Inlined, and External funcs.</li> </ul></div><div class="section-inner sectionLayout--fullWidth"><figure name="bc40" id="bc40" class="graf graf--figure graf--layoutFillWidth graf-after--h4" data-scroll="native" style="margin: 44px 0px 80px; position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; user-select: auto; z-index: 100;"><div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked"></div></figure></div> 6 points posted by blackflicker https://blog.learngoprogramming.com/go-functions-overview-anonymous-closures-higher-order-deferred-concurrent-6799008dde7b 2969 Tue, 28 Nov 2017 16:01:00 +0000 Seamlessly use functions written in Assembly from Go #tutorials #asm 6 points posted by Donutloop https://github.com/donutloop/go_assembly_example 2664 Sun, 17 Sep 2017 14:12:00 +0000 A tutorial about select statement in Go #tutorials Learn how select statement works and also get to know the practical use of select. 6 points posted by geekme https://golangbot.com/select 2502 Thu, 10 Aug 2017 19:34:00 +0000 Video: Go Essentials for Full Stack Web Development #tutorials #paid 6 points posted by gopher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc13bjCkOwE 2154 Mon, 01 May 2017 20:22:00 +0000 Go web examples #tutorials Go Web Examples provides easy to understand snippets on how to do web development in Go and is insired by Go By Example, which has a great introduction into the fundametals of this language. Check out the first example on how to create a classical "hello world" web application. 6 points posted by gopher https://gowebexamples.github.io 1701 Fri, 10 Feb 2017 08:31:00 +0000 Go programming tutorial #tutorials 5 points posted by Bill Ward http://online-training.admintome.com/courses/programming-language/go-programming-tutorial 3702 Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:25:00 +0000 Yet another introduction to golang interfaces #tutorials 5 points posted by lemeteore https://mlvin.xyz/gi.html 3598 Mon, 08 Oct 2018 20:15:00 +0000 Testing Go standard library changes #gophercon #tutorials <p name="94be" id="94be" class="graf graf--p graf-after--h3">I had a wonderful time at GopherCon 2017. One of the highlights was being a mentor at the Go Contributor Workshop. This involved two 1.5-hour sessions where Go developers of all skill levels were walked through the process of making their first contributions to the Go project. Every table at the session had two or more mentors to help. Mentors included members of the Go team and community members familiar with the process.</p><div><br></div> 5 points posted by kenny https://medium.com/@vCabbage/go-testing-standard-library-changes-1e9cbed11339 2418 Fri, 21 Jul 2017 16:30:00 +0000 Practice Go: Build Word #tutorials 5 points posted by Tania http://pliutau.com/practice-go-buildword 2003 Tue, 28 Mar 2017 10:41:00 +0000 Practice Go: Word Ladder #tutorials #practicego Given two words and a dictionary, find the length of the shortest transformation sequence from first word to second word. 5 points posted by gopher https://github.com/plutov/practice-go/tree/master/wordladder 1903 Fri, 10 Mar 2017 08:52:00 +0000 Slices in Go #tutorials Arrays, slices (and strings): The mechanics of 'append'. See also: https://www.calhoun.io/how-to-use-slice-capacity-and-length-in-go/ https://blog.golang.org/go-slices-usage-and-internals 5 points posted by kenny https://blog.golang.org/slices 1623 Thu, 26 Jan 2017 08:59:00 +0000 Idiomatic go resources #tutorials Every time the discussion comes up around “What does good Go code look like”, the response is “check the standard library”. However, not all of the standard library is a good example. Some of it was written early on, before styles had settled down or before best practices were understood and have now been cemented due to neglect or the Go1 Compatibility Guarantee. A better place is to read the evolving Best Practices documents that give style guides that come with the experience of lots of code written, reviewed, and deployed to production, and debugged. 4 points posted by kenny https://medium.com/@dgryski/idiomatic-go-resources-966535376dba 3821 Sat, 02 Mar 2019 06:37:00 +0000 Full Stack Go Tutorial with Postgres #tutorials <div class="md-block md-block-paragraph" data-block="true" data-editor="86hq9" data-offset-key="9l4fq-0-0"><div data-offset-key="9l4fq-0-0" class="public-DraftStyleDefault-block public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><span data-offset-key="9l4fq-0-0">With this tutorial, I hope to find the middle ground and provide a single resource which describes how to make a full stack web application in Go, along with sufficient test cases.&nbsp;The only prerequisite for this tutorial is a beginner level understanding of the Go programming language.</div></div> 4 points posted by kenny https://ednsquare.com/publisher/view/Full-Stack-GoLang-Tutorial-with-PostgreSQL-------fn1h0zlYGm 3423 Sun, 08 Jul 2018 08:34:00 +0000 Buffalo tutorial - create a site with github auth #tutorials <p name="d453" id="d453" class="graf graf--p graf-after--figure">In this beginner tutorial I want to describe how to create a website where users can authenticate via a GitHub account by using Buffalo. Buffalo makes that task really easy and with the help from the generators there are just some things we need to do by hand.</p><p name="02f9" id="02f9" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">You can download a complete example for this tutorial at: <a href="https://github.com/as27/authexample" data-href="https://github.com/as27/authexample" class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://github.com/as27/authexample</a></p> 4 points posted by gopher https://blog.gobuffalo.io/buffalo-tutorial-create-a-site-with-github-auth-629582e2763e 3008 Sun, 10 Dec 2017 11:53:00 +0000 Modern golang programming on Udemy #video #tutorials <p>Go is the language of the Internet age, because it was built from the ground up to support modern distributed web software. Go is also cross-platform as it compiles to numerous operating systems and CPU architectures via simple commands. It compiles to native binaries, it doesn't use a VM, and is garbage-collected, which makes it a breeze to deploy in production environments.</p> <p>Throughout the course, we will use modern open source third party packages in Go to build a distributed application that will support several databases, establish efficient serial communications techniques, and construct an advanced web layer with templates, cookies, and websockets support.</p> 4 points posted by minaandrawos https://www.udemy.com/modern-golang-programming 2820 Fri, 20 Oct 2017 06:49:00 +0000 Book: Introducing Go #tutorials Perfect for beginners familiar with programming basics, this hands-on guide provides an easy introduction to Go, the general-purpose programming language from Google. Author Caleb Doxsey covers the language’s core features with step-by-step instructions and exercises in each chapter to help you practice what you learn. 4 points posted by tomf http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920046516.do 2171 Fri, 05 May 2017 07:49:00 +0000 Practice Go: Short Hash #tutorials 4 points posted by Tania http://pliutau.com/practice-go-shorthash 2009 Thu, 30 Mar 2017 08:36:00 +0000 An overview of go #tutorials 3 points posted by kenny https://courses.silvercloudtraining.com/p/overview-of-go 4125 Fri, 13 Sep 2019 21:26:00 +0000 Slice tutorial with examples of Slicing Tricks #tutorials 3 points posted by Amit http://www.golangprograms.com/go-language/slices-in-golang-programming.html 3059 Sun, 31 Dec 2017 16:19:00 +0000 Best Community up-voted Go programming resources #tutorials A curated list of some of the best go resources.<br> 3 points posted by Suchi Singh https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-golang 3033 Thu, 21 Dec 2017 07:05:00 +0000 Go Defer #tutorials 3 points posted by geekme https://golangbot.com/defer 2712 Thu, 28 Sep 2017 17:30:00 +0000 Build a RESTful API in Go and MongoDB #mongodb #tutorials <p>In this tutorial I will illustrate how you can build your own&nbsp;RESTful APIin&nbsp;Go&nbsp;and&nbsp;MongoDB.&nbsp;All the code used in this demo can be found on my <a href="https://github.com/mlabouardy/movies-restapi" style="box-sizing: inherit; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: initial; border-top-color: initial; border-right-color: initial; border-bottom-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); border-left-color: initial; border-image: initial; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Github</a>.</p> 3 points posted by mlabouardy http://www.blog.labouardy.com/build-restful-api-in-go-and-mongodb 2567 Wed, 23 Aug 2017 10:52:00 +0000 Practice Go: First Letter, Last Letter #tutorials 3 points posted by Tania http://pliutau.com/practice-go-lastlettergame 2182 Mon, 08 May 2017 12:44:00 +0000 Practice Go: Merge Sort #practicego #tutorials 3 points posted by Tania http://pliutau.com/practice-go-merge-sort 1892 Thu, 09 Mar 2017 02:46:00 +0000 Rapid web development with buffalo #tutorials A free online course. Buffalo is a new Rails style web framework in Go. Find out why this new framework is taking the Go web community by storm, and learn how you too can rapidly build sophisticated web applications very quickly using Buffalo. 3 points posted by gopher https://www.bigmarker.com/gopheracademy/Rapid-Web-Development-w-Buffalo-Introduction 1882 Mon, 06 Mar 2017 22:14:00 +0000 Practice Go: Anagrams #practicego #tutorials 3 points posted by tacu http://pliutau.com/practice-go-anagram 1836 Wed, 01 Mar 2017 05:44:00 +0000 Packt Publishing – Mastering Go Programming #paid #tutorials #video Length 20h 12m MP4 Video Description Master programming with Go by learning how to write idiomatic, effective code About This Video Program like a seasoned expert with one of the great new programming languages Write idiomatic Go the right way, and understand the fundamental mechanics of the language in depth Understand how to develop powerful performant applications and services with Go In Detail Go has moved from the state of tentative to mass adoption. Its C-like speed, simplicity, and power for a growing number of systems level programming domains make it an attractive option for programmers working with older cumbersome, statically typed languages. Golang has entered the space as an entirely viable language for accomplishing a huge array of low level programming and service infrastructure tasks. This video course not only gives you a deep insight into the fundamental mechanics behind the language, but also covers extensive practical topics on Go for modern software architectures. It shows you how to write Go in an intelligent, idiomatic way. After a brief re-acquaintance with the key building blocks of Go, we will also explore how we can build upon the unique capabilities of the language to write effective, powerful code you can employ to develop software. We look at packages, object-oriented programming, concurrency and reflection among other things. Moreover, you will learn about Go’s awesome built-in testing support feature. Along the way, build your skills in File handling techniques, Go packages for databases, data serialization approaches, message communications between Go services, and Go web applications. Get your hands on with a plenty of illustrative code samples, exercises and real-world scenarios that will help you build your own application. 3 points posted by iris-go https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/mastering-go-programming-video 1739 Tue, 14 Feb 2017 22:29:00 +0000 Scaling Go Applications Horizontally #pluralsight #video #tutorials #course Go allows applications to run extremely quickly and efficiently. However, eventually, a single instance of your application isn't enough. This course will teach you how to refactor your application to prepare it to scale across multiple servers. 3 points posted by iris-go https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/go-horizontal-scaling-apps 1559 Wed, 18 Jan 2017 12:17:00 +0000 Enhancing Application Communication with gRPC #pluralsight #tutorials #video #grpc There have been many different strategies over the years to get software written in one language to communicate with one written in another. The two primary approaches that have evolved have been RESTful services (typically using JSON documents to transmit data) and RPC (remote procedure calls) that use a variety of different transmission techniques. In this course, Enhancing Application Communication with gRPC, you’ll be introduced to the gRPC framework that Google uses for much of its inter-service communication. First, you’ll cover the components of gRPC application. Next, you’ll discover how to use protocol buffers to define gRPC services. Finally, you’ll learn how to create gRPC clients and servers using C#, Java, Node.js, and Go. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to use gRPC in your distributed system applications. 3 points posted by iris-go https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/grpc-enhancing-application-communication 1543 Sun, 15 Jan 2017 13:10:00 +0000 Building Distributed Applications with Go #pluralsight #paid #video #tutorials This course will demonstrate how to create a distributed application with Go including integration with a database and web-clients. By Mike Van Sickle. 2 points posted by iris-go https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/go-build-distributed-applications 1581 Fri, 20 Jan 2017 14:15:00 +0000