Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Wed, 03 Oct 2018 12:25:00 +0000 #Python <div class="about-course"><div class="course-info course-margin"><div class="description" itemprop="description"> <p>We love Programming. Our aim with this course is to create a love for Programming.</p> <p>Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Python offers both object oriented and structural programming features.</p> <p>We take an hands-on approach using a combination of Python Shell and PyCharm as an IDE to illustrate more than 150 Python Coding Exercises, Puzzles and Code Examples.</p> <p>In more than 150 Steps, we explore the most important Python Programming Language Features</p> <ul><li>Basics of Python Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing Output</li> <li>Python Operators - Python Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit Operators</li> <li>Python Conditionals and If Statement</li> <li>Methods - Parameters, Arguments and Return Values</li> <li>An Overview Of Python Platform</li> <li>Object Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and Behavior</li> <li>Basics of OOPS - Encapsulation, Inheritance and Abstract Class.</li> <li>Basics about Python Data Types</li> <li>Basics about Python Built in Modules</li> <li>Conditionals with Python - If Else Statement, Nested If Else</li> <li>Loops - For Loop, While Loop in Python, Break and Continue</li> <li>Immutablity of Python Basic Types</li> <li>Python Data Structures - List, Set, Dictionary and Tuples</li> <li>Introduction to Variable Arguments</li> <li>Basics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and Behavior. Deciding State and Constructors.</li> <li>Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception Handling. try, except, else and finally. Exception Hierarchy. Throwing an Exception. Creating and Throwing a Custom Exception</li> </ul><p>Step By Step Details</p> <p>Introduction To Python Programming With Multiplication Table</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - Getting Started with Programming</li> <li>Step 02 - Introduction to Multiplication Table challenge</li> <li>Step 03 - Break Down Multiplication Table Challenge</li> <li>Step 04 - Python Expression - An Introduction</li> <li>Step 05 - Python Expression - Exercises</li> <li>Step 06 - Java Expression - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 07 - Printing output to console with Python</li> <li>Step 08 - Calling Functions in Python - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 09 - Advanced Printing output to console with Python</li> <li>Step 10 - Advanced Printing output to console with Python - Exercises and Puzzles</li> <li>Step 11 - Introduction to Variables in Python</li> <li>Step 12 - Introduction to Variables in Python - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 13 - Assignment Statement</li> <li>Step 14 - Tip - Using formatted strings in print method</li> <li>Step 15 - Using For Loop to Print Multiplication Table</li> <li>Step 16 - Using For Loop in Python - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 17 - Using For Loop in Python - Exercises</li> <li>Step 18 - Getting Started with Programming - Revise all Terminology</li> </ul><p>Introduction To Methods - Multiplication-table</p> <ul><li>Step 00 - Section 02 - Methods - An Introduction</li> <li>Step 01 - Your First Python Method - Hello World Twice and Exercise Statements</li> <li>Step 02 - Introduction to Python Methods - Exercises</li> <li>Step 03 - Introduction to Python Methods - Arguments and Parameters</li> <li>Step 04 - Introduction to Python Method Parameters - Exercises</li> <li>Step 05 - Introduction to Python Method - Multiple Parameters</li> <li>Step 06 - Getting back to Multiplication Table - Creating a method</li> <li>Step 07 - Tip - Indentation is king</li> <li>Step 08 - Introduction to Python Method - Puzzles - Named Parameters</li> <li>Step 09 - Introduction to Python Method - Return Values</li> <li>Step 10 - Introduction to Python Method - Return Values - Exercises</li> </ul><p>Introduction To Python Platform</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - Writing and Executing your First Python Script</li> <li>Step 02 - Python Virtual Machine and bytecode</li> </ul><p>Introduction To PyCharm</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - Installing and Introduction to PyCharm</li> <li>Step 02 - Write and Execute a Python File with PyCharm</li> <li>Step 03 - Execise - Write Multiplication Table Method with PyCharm</li> <li>Step 04 - Debugging Code with PyCharm</li> <li>Step 05 - PyCharm Tips : Tool Windows</li> <li>Step 06 - PyCharm Tips : Keyboard Shortcuts</li> </ul><p>Basic Numeric Data Types and Conditional Execution</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - Introduction to Numeric Data Types</li> <li>Step 02 - Exercise - Calculate Simple Interest</li> <li>Step 03 - Introduction to Numeric Data Types - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 04 - Introduction to Boolean Data Type</li> <li>Step 05 - Introduction to If Condition</li> <li>Step 06 - Introduction to If Condition - Exercises</li> <li>Step 07 - Logical Operators - and or not</li> <li>Step 08 - Logical Operators - and or not - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 09 - Introduction to If Condition - else and elif</li> <li>Step 10 - if, else and elif - Menu Exercise - Part 1</li> <li>Step 11 - if, else and elif - Menu Exercise - Part 2</li> <li>Step 12 - if, else and elif - Puzzles</li> </ul><p>Text in Python</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - Text in Python - Methods in str class</li> <li>Step 02 - Data Type Conversion - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 03 - Strings are immutable</li> <li>Step 04 - There is no seperate Character data type</li> <li>Step 05 - String moduleEDIT</li> <li>Step 06 - Exercise - is_vowel, print lower case and upper case characters</li> <li>Step 07 - String - Exercises and Puzzles</li> <li>Step 08 - String - Conclusion</li> </ul><p>Python Loops</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - For loop basics</li> <li>Step 02 - For loop exercise 1 - is_prime</li> <li>Step 03 - For loop exercise 2 - sum_upto_n</li> <li>Step 04 - For loop exercise 3 - sum of divisors</li> <li>Step 05 - For loop exercise 4 - print a number triangle</li> <li>Step 06 - Introduction to while loop in Python</li> <li>Step 07 - While loop - Exercises</li> <li>Step 08 - Choosing a Loop - Menu Exercise</li> <li>Step 09 - Loops - Puzzles - break and continue</li> </ul><p>Beginner Tips</p> <ul><li>Tip 1 - Using Predefined Python Modules</li> <li>Tip 2 - Loop - Getting Index Element</li> <li>Tip 3 - Python is Strongly Typed and Dynamic Language</li> <li>Tip 4 - Beginners Mistakes - Shadowing</li> <li>Tip 8 - Defining Equality for Classes</li> <li>Tip 5 - Beginners Mistakes - Indentation</li> <li>Tip 6 - PEP8 - Python Style Guide</li> <li>Tip 7 - PEP20 - Zen of Python</li> </ul><p>Introduction To Object Oriented Programming</p> <ul><li>Step 00 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Section Overview</li> <li>Step 01 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Basics</li> <li>Step 02 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Terminology - Class, Object, State and Behavior</li> <li>Step 03 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Exercise - Online Shopping System and Person</li> <li>Step 04 - First Class and Object - Country class</li> <li>Step 05 - Create Motor Bike Python Class and a couple of objects</li> <li>Step 06 - Class and Objects - a few Puzzles</li> <li>Step 07 - Constructor for MotorBike class</li> <li>Step 08 - Constructor for Book class - Exercise</li> <li>Step 09 - Constructors - Puzzles</li> <li>Step 10 - Class and Objects - Methods and Behavior</li> <li>Step 11 - Exercise - Enhance Book class with copies</li> <li>Step 12 - Class and Objects - Methods and Behavior - Puzzles on self</li> <li>Step 13 - Advantages of Encapsulation</li> <li>Step 14 - Everything is Object in Python</li> </ul><p>Python Data Structures</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - Python Data Structures - Why do we need them?</li> <li>Step 02 - Operations on List Data Structure</li> <li>Step 03 - Exercise with List - Student class</li> <li>Step 04 - Puzzles with Strings Lists</li> <li>Step 05 - List Slicing</li> <li>Step 06 - List Sorting, Looping and Reversing</li> <li>Step 07 - List as a Stack and Queue</li> <li>Step 08 - List with a custom class - Country and representation</li> <li>Step 08 - List with a custom class - Part 2 - sorting, max and min</li> <li>Step 09 - List Comprehension</li> <li>Step 10 - Introduction to Set</li> <li>Step 11 - Introduction to Dictionary</li> <li>Step 12 - Exercise with Dictionary - Word and Character Occurances</li> <li>Step 13 - Puzzles with Data Structures</li> </ul><p>Object Oriented Programming Again</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - OOPS Basics Revised</li> <li>Step 02 - Designing a Fan Class</li> <li>Step 03 - Object Composition - Book and Reviews</li> <li>Step 04 - Why do we need Inheritance</li> <li>Step 05 - All classes in Python 3 inherit from object</li> <li>Step 06 - Multiple Inheritance</li> <li>Step 07 - Creating and Using an Abstract Class</li> <li>Step 08 - Template Method Pattern with Recipe Class</li> <li>Step 09 - A Quick Revision</li> </ul><p>Error Handling with Python</p> <ul><li>Step 01 - Introduction to Error Handling - Your Thought Process during Error Handling</li> <li>Step 02 - Basics of Exception Hierarchy</li> <li>Step 03 - Basics of Error Handling - try except</li> <li>Step 04 - Handling Multiple Errors with Multiple except blocks</li> <li>Step 05 - Error Handling - Puzzles - Exception Details and</li> <li>Step 06 - Error Handling - finally and else</li> <li>Step 07 - Error Handling - Puzzles 2</li> <li>Step 08 - Raising Exceptions</li> <li>Step 09 - Raising Custom Exceptions</li> <li>Step 10 - Exception Handling Best Practices</li> <li>Final Tips</li> <li>Tip 1 - Math Module and Decimal Class</li> <li>Tip 2 - Statistics Module - find mean and median</li> <li>Tip 3 - Collections Module - deque for Queue and Stack</li> <li>Tip 4 - Methods and Arguments - Basics</li> <li>Tip 5 - Methods and Arguments - Keyword Arguments</li> <li>Tip 6 - Methods and Arguments - Unpacking Lists and Dictionaries</li> <li>Tip 7 - Creating Custom Modules and Using Them</li> </ul><p>Who is the target audience?</p> <ul><li>You want</li> <li>You are a beginner and want to explore Python</li> </ul></div></div></div><div class="about-course"><div class="course-info"><div class="about-title"><div class="course-headers">Basic knowledge</div></div><div class="description"> <ul><li>Connectivity to Internet to download Python 3 and PyCharm</li> <li>We will help you install Python 3 and PyCharm</li> </ul></div></div></div><div class="about-course"><div class="course-info"><div class="about-title"><div class="course-headers">What you will learn</div></div><div class="description"> <ul><li>You will learn how to think as a Python Programmer</li> <li>You will learn how to start your journey as a Python Programmer</li> <li>You will learn the basics of PyCharm IDE and Python Shell</li> <li>You will learn to develop awesome object oriented programs with Python</li> <li>You will solve a wide variety of hands-on exercises on the topics discussed below</li> <li>You will learn the basics of programming - variables, choosing a data type, conditional execution, loops, writing great methods, breaking down problems into sub problems and implementing exception handling</li> <li>You will learn the basics of Object Oriented Programming - Inheritance, Abstract Class and Constructors</li> <li>You will learn the important concepts of Object Oriented Programming - Abstraction and Inheritance</li> <li>You will learn about a wide variety of Python Data Structures - List, Set, Dictionary and Tuples</li> </ul></div></div></div> -5 points posted by Simpliv 3591 Wed, 03 Oct 2018 05:51:00 +0000