0 Advanced Solutions in Go – Testing and Distributed Systems

packtpub.com posted by iris-go 2689 days ago  

Length 1h 47m

Go (a.k.a. Golang) is a statically-typed programming language first developed at Google. It is derived from C with additional features such as garbage collection, type safety, dynamic-typing capabilities, additional built-in types, and a large standard library. This video takes off where basic tutorials on the language leave off. You can immediately put into practice some of the more advanced concepts and libraries offered by the language while avoiding some of the common mistakes for new Go developers. The video explores applications that interact with users, such as websites, command-line tools, or via the file system. It demonstrates how to handle advanced topics such as parallelism, distributed systems, and performance tuning. Lastly, it finishes with reactive and serverless programming in Go.
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